Our Commitment
Our cooperative recognizes the long history of oppression faced by indigenous farmers and farmers of color in the United States, as well as the racism that many growers still experience in their farming journeys. We also recognize the complex role of gender in agriculture and challenges faced by women and LGBTQ growers.
As a cooperative, we stand together in dismantling systems that diminish opportunity for all within the food system. We commit to showing empathy for one another, taking action for change, and to embrace the challenge of building an agriculture where anyone can find opportunity and success.
Company Diversity and Inclusion
The strongest teams make everyone's voices heard. At Farm Generations, we are are committed to recruiting and hiring a diverse team that will ensure the best product, the best work environment, and the best experience for our customers. Diversity is a requirement for our success.
We're listening
We are always eager to improve. If you see opportunities for our company to improve our approach to racial and gender equity, we encourage you to reach out to us.